We, the able, led by the ignorant, do the impossible for the good of the ungrateful. And we have done so much, with so little, in such a short time, that we have become skilled at making everything from nothing.
Design services
Training in Conceptual unique Web design with advanced technologies of Adobe Corp.
Photography course - documentary, advertising, artistic, surrealist, journalistic photography
Optical and digital photography - documentary, advertising, artistic, surreal and journalistic photography
Animation, Post Production DVCPRO, HDTV, TV, CorpMPEG4
Filming, editing, 2D and 3D video effects
Embed voiceover, record and add voiceover to videos
Extract audio from videos and movies
Training in initial design and production of advertising
Design and preparation of electronic advertising - company presentations, presentation of products and services, static and animated banners, etc.
Design and preparation of Internet advertising - company presentation on the Internet, presentation of products and services, positioning of banners, etc.
Design and preparation of printed advertising - company logo, trademark, flyers, catalogs, calendars, business cards, etc.
Design and preparation of one-off and periodic printed publications - books, brochures, directories, directories, etc.
Pre-press preparation of editions - color separation, color samples, shaping of printing cars, checking of fonts, etc.
Redesign of sites, portals, portfolio, personal pages
Digital processing of graphics and photographs - correction of scale, tilt, color, contrast, color noise, cropping of fragments, assembly of an image
Internet services
Selection, registration and installation in suitable hosting of domains and Add-On domains
Hosting and administration of internet pages, sites, portals
Updating information on internet pages, sites, portals
Create, set up and manage email accounts
Transfer sites and domains from one host to another
Maintenance, SEO optimization, registration in search engines and referring sites of sites and portals
Promotion of sites and portals in certain geographical areas
Subscription maintenance of sites and portals
Computer Services
Subscription maintenance of computer systems and local computer networks
Remove viruses and Trojans, create and configure antivirus protection
Recovery of deleted data from hard drives, flash drives
Cleaning computer components from dust
Installation and reinstallation of operating systems and application software
Training of employees to work with computer systems, peripherals, software
Installing and updating drivers
Translation of application programs from English and Russian into Bulgarian
And other procedures and operations for specific problems
Diagnostics of motherboards, video cards, network cards,
hard drives, monitors, routers, switches
Repair of computers, laptops, printers, scanners and other peripherals
Replacement of fans, power supplies, cables, motherboards,
video cards, network cards, hard drives, monitors, routers, switches
Troubleshoot hardware and software issues
Creation and setup of wireless and wired internet
Construction and maintenance of local computer networks
And other procedures and operations for specific hardware problems
Assembly, installation, subscription maintenance of computers and computer networks
Expert services
Training on Information Protection in computer systems, networks, Web sites
Training in Strategies for searching and using electronic information
Organizing and conducting Webinars
Installation, organization and conduct of online trainings
Internet marketing - research and preparation of a marketing strategy for a company website, products, services
Implementation of internet marketing strategy for company website, products, services
Assistance in registering a company name and trademark
Optical and digital photography analysis and expertise
Video analysis and expertise
Successful can doers have focused on something that others thought was unattainable...
Every problem gives rise to a solution. Every solution creates new problems. That's the price of experience...
Ivan Popov
Creator and Ruler of the European International Portal By YOU for YOU: http://www.fromyouforyou.eu and http://www.otvaszavas.eu
E-mail: contacts@fromyouforyou.eu